Vendor Registration

AKAM Property Management Services in South Florida utilizes Business Credentialing Services (BCS) to assist in the management of vendor pre-qualification and compliance. BCS monitors Certificate of Insurance and Licensing compliance. Compliance must be verified by BCS prior to commencing work at any of our managed properties. Benefits include:

  • Expedited and efficient screening process.
  • Knowledgeable and accessible staff who work directly with you and your insurance provider to meet requirements and stay current.
  • Receiving alerts for policy renewal documents and other notifications to ensure there is no lapse in compliance.
  • Secure access to Property Managers as they assist our clients in selecting service providers.
  • Request for Proposal (RFP) communications
  • Registration is not a prerequisite for vendor consideration.
  • Registration is not a guarantee of work and/or project opportunities.

BCS charges each registered vendor an annual fee for verifying that your relevant insurance coverage and licensing meet all requirements. Vendors meeting the requirements earn the designation of Pre-Qualified Vendor.

To begin registration, please provide the information below and then click “Review Requirements.”

If you require additional assistance, please reference the "Contact Us" link in the sidebar.

Federal Tax ID Number or Social Security Number


*Please select the state where you perform work for AKAM:

*Please select a vendor type:

*Please select the service category(ies) that best represent the services you provide:Hold Ctrl & Click to select multiple options


Review Requirements

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